Development project...
This will mainly be my software development blog, mainly for doing work with Teaching Open Source.
We've been tasked with looking in to different Sugar Labs activities. The top three that I'm interested in, and why, are as follows:
- Physics - being an ex-physics major, and current physics minor, physics interests me greatly. Perhaps this could be adapted for collaboration (one thing the creator wants) and something that will help kids learn (showing the equations and information for objects).
- Etoys - I'm also interested in Game Design and Development. I think that game design is a great way to get kids into programming, with an immediate visual confirmation of your work. I think that Etoys is a great starting step for that.
- Turtle Blocks and Turtle Confusion - both are, again, great introductions to programming and problem solving (especially for confusion, which has you use turtle concepts to replicate shapes. It's challenge-based instead of creative.)